Saturday, October 15, 2011

13.1 miles = COMPLETED!

So, Today was the BIG day. I've been training with Courtney, Tiffany and Dia for 4 months now in order to be prepared for this 1/2 MARATHON. I'm not going to lie, it was hard but so worth it! My legs are KILLING me now. [just a few hours later]

I finished in 2 hours and 34 minutes. Hey! I just wanted to finish! :)

This is me and my new friend Dave
 [He's 'our' guy. :) We met him at the beginning of the race. 
He and I ran together for a good half. He is awesome!]

 This is at the finish line... I thought I was going to die!

See! We stayed together! :) 

Its funny, because a lot of these pictures look like Im walking... I wasnt. :) I ran the whole thing. [Slow... but running]

And here is Tiffany and Courtney... they are awesome!!!

Me and my boo at the end! He is such a great supporter! He was more proud of my medal than I was... as you can see here. :)

Thank you everyone for all the support... it is much appreciated!
And thanks to Michaels parents and brother who traveled up here to watch and cheer me on!  
Oh! and if you ever get the chance to help or just go to any kind of race... do it! Its soooo nice having people cheering you on [even if you don't know them.]

Saturday, October 1, 2011

13 days

So Im not going to lie... Im begining to get really nervous about this half marathon. Its literally 13 days away.... less than 2 weeks.... not next weekend... but the one right after! ahhh!!!! 
So far Ive run 9 miles. Im running 10 this week and then everything after the 10 mile is short runs up until the 
I think Im more nervous because it is all new to me.... I have NO idea what Im doing. What if I end up waking up late.. the race does start really early- 7 AM. 
What if I miss a turn or continue running the the marathoners...eek! that would be terrible! 26 miles... Oh man..I would die!
Im sure I will be fine. And these nerves are probably normal. But holy cow... what was  I thinking!! ha!