Friday, September 2, 2011

My Heart

I feel like I should give a disclaimer... this is long... but its MY HEART.

So, if you are not aware, I work at MBCH Children and Family ministries. [The website is a little old school, but its legit...I promise.] Our office is a 'foster/adoptive' and 'case management' agency. We are contracted through the state (Children's Division). One of the main differences between our agency and the state, is that we are a 'Christian' agency. Meaning our foster homes are families who are followers of Christ. We try to put children in homes that have godly family lifestyles; full of love and encouragement. The case management workers help children who either are in the process of being taken from their homes or have already been taken out of the home. And then they place them in Foster Homes. The goal of taking children out of their homes is to correct whatever problem[s] present in the home and reunify them with their family. So many times this does not happen. 
The other day I was talking with one of my supervisors who is in charge of licensing foster families. You see, one of my job responsibilities is to take the initial call from people who are interested in fostering and tell them a little about the agency and then invite them to our monthly information meeting. One big thing I have to stress to people when I talk to them is that MOST of our kids are school aged not babies. Most people want to foster or adopt babies. This is normally not an option. I know to tell people this but never asked why. So I asked my supervisor. She said that today it is socially normal for people to keep their babies [for whatever reason their 'bad situation' is ... teen pregnancy, unmarried]. A lot of times if the mother can not take care of their baby a family member will. So, for the most part, we rarely have babies in the system. 
Most of our kids are school aged or large sibling groups. So many times people don't want older kids or large sibling groups. [Also for numerous reasons.. already have younger children, not enough house space, want babies, the list can go on and on.] 
So then I asked, "what happens to those kids who don't get adopted, who are 'too old' to be adopted?" 

-This is when MY HEART broke- 

She said they end up aging out of the system and usually end up  homeless, addicted to drugs, in prostitution... Its a cycle. If their parents have done it ... most likely they will do the same even if they dont want to. 
{How many times have we said Im never going to be like my parents and then there is that day when you say to yourself... wow Im just like my mom or wow Im just like my dad.} 
She didn't need to go on... i was in tears! 'What should we do?!' I cried shouted with tears running down my face. [literally] She said we need to let people know. Tell people about foster care and adoption. Not just with our agency... any of them are just fine Here is a way to look for them. She also told me these older kids need mentors, someone to encourage and love them. Someone to show and teach them a life that reflects Christ. Because, guys, these kids dont know any different from the lifestyle they live in. They want to be with their parents even if being with their parents is the WORST thing for them.... they simply dont know any better. They truly believe that is what life is supposed to be like. BUT ITS NOT! God has so much love and grace for us and for these kids. 
MY HEART is so burdened for these kids. We need to stand up and be advocates for these kids! Be their voice and show them there is more to life that what they have been given. If this is not something you have ever even thought about.... think about it! Pray for these kids. 

Here are some websites where you can see the children that need homes.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This is really heartbreaking, but at the same time you are so lucky to be able to work with a great organization and to be able to make a difference!
