Sunday, December 11, 2011

Re:Mind Photography

Hey Guys!!! You should totally check out my new Facebook page and Like it!
Let me know what ya think!!! :)

I love your hair

 I was able to go to Children's Mercy Ronald McDonald House tonight. It was really fun. I didnt know what to expect. I just knew a group of people from my Church go there monthly and make dinner for the families. So I went and that place is AMAZING! The kitchen is HUGE! I would love one of those! :) Anyways, I was supposed to be helping cook. But there was a mother and daughter baking cookies when we got there. I began talking to them and they were the sweetest duo ever! The mom was telling me how she was baking the cookies to be fluffy... yum! I have new ideas! :) Any ways we were talking like girls do and the daughter said, "I love your hair." This would have been a comment I would have said thank you and moved on... but I couldnt because I knew when she said it ... she meant it. You see, She had a wig. And she further explained to me about her old hair color and length. She said she and her mom died her hair before it fell out. They died it black, red, pink and whatever else they thought would be fun. And then her hair fell out from the chemo. She was so sweet! She loved to cook and had secret recipes that she loved using. I wanted to tell this story because it really made me think a little more about how vain I can be and it just really humbled me. She is so young and has cancer. And because of her treatment she lost her hair... and I worry about if my part is in the right spot. Her story has made an imprint on my heart. Thank you Hannah.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

13.1 miles = COMPLETED!

So, Today was the BIG day. I've been training with Courtney, Tiffany and Dia for 4 months now in order to be prepared for this 1/2 MARATHON. I'm not going to lie, it was hard but so worth it! My legs are KILLING me now. [just a few hours later]

I finished in 2 hours and 34 minutes. Hey! I just wanted to finish! :)

This is me and my new friend Dave
 [He's 'our' guy. :) We met him at the beginning of the race. 
He and I ran together for a good half. He is awesome!]

 This is at the finish line... I thought I was going to die!

See! We stayed together! :) 

Its funny, because a lot of these pictures look like Im walking... I wasnt. :) I ran the whole thing. [Slow... but running]

And here is Tiffany and Courtney... they are awesome!!!

Me and my boo at the end! He is such a great supporter! He was more proud of my medal than I was... as you can see here. :)

Thank you everyone for all the support... it is much appreciated!
And thanks to Michaels parents and brother who traveled up here to watch and cheer me on!  
Oh! and if you ever get the chance to help or just go to any kind of race... do it! Its soooo nice having people cheering you on [even if you don't know them.]

Saturday, October 1, 2011

13 days

So Im not going to lie... Im begining to get really nervous about this half marathon. Its literally 13 days away.... less than 2 weeks.... not next weekend... but the one right after! ahhh!!!! 
So far Ive run 9 miles. Im running 10 this week and then everything after the 10 mile is short runs up until the 
I think Im more nervous because it is all new to me.... I have NO idea what Im doing. What if I end up waking up late.. the race does start really early- 7 AM. 
What if I miss a turn or continue running the the marathoners...eek! that would be terrible! 26 miles... Oh man..I would die!
Im sure I will be fine. And these nerves are probably normal. But holy cow... what was  I thinking!! ha!

Friday, September 2, 2011

My Heart

I feel like I should give a disclaimer... this is long... but its MY HEART.

So, if you are not aware, I work at MBCH Children and Family ministries. [The website is a little old school, but its legit...I promise.] Our office is a 'foster/adoptive' and 'case management' agency. We are contracted through the state (Children's Division). One of the main differences between our agency and the state, is that we are a 'Christian' agency. Meaning our foster homes are families who are followers of Christ. We try to put children in homes that have godly family lifestyles; full of love and encouragement. The case management workers help children who either are in the process of being taken from their homes or have already been taken out of the home. And then they place them in Foster Homes. The goal of taking children out of their homes is to correct whatever problem[s] present in the home and reunify them with their family. So many times this does not happen. 
The other day I was talking with one of my supervisors who is in charge of licensing foster families. You see, one of my job responsibilities is to take the initial call from people who are interested in fostering and tell them a little about the agency and then invite them to our monthly information meeting. One big thing I have to stress to people when I talk to them is that MOST of our kids are school aged not babies. Most people want to foster or adopt babies. This is normally not an option. I know to tell people this but never asked why. So I asked my supervisor. She said that today it is socially normal for people to keep their babies [for whatever reason their 'bad situation' is ... teen pregnancy, unmarried]. A lot of times if the mother can not take care of their baby a family member will. So, for the most part, we rarely have babies in the system. 
Most of our kids are school aged or large sibling groups. So many times people don't want older kids or large sibling groups. [Also for numerous reasons.. already have younger children, not enough house space, want babies, the list can go on and on.] 
So then I asked, "what happens to those kids who don't get adopted, who are 'too old' to be adopted?" 

-This is when MY HEART broke- 

She said they end up aging out of the system and usually end up  homeless, addicted to drugs, in prostitution... Its a cycle. If their parents have done it ... most likely they will do the same even if they dont want to. 
{How many times have we said Im never going to be like my parents and then there is that day when you say to yourself... wow Im just like my mom or wow Im just like my dad.} 
She didn't need to go on... i was in tears! 'What should we do?!' I cried shouted with tears running down my face. [literally] She said we need to let people know. Tell people about foster care and adoption. Not just with our agency... any of them are just fine Here is a way to look for them. She also told me these older kids need mentors, someone to encourage and love them. Someone to show and teach them a life that reflects Christ. Because, guys, these kids dont know any different from the lifestyle they live in. They want to be with their parents even if being with their parents is the WORST thing for them.... they simply dont know any better. They truly believe that is what life is supposed to be like. BUT ITS NOT! God has so much love and grace for us and for these kids. 
MY HEART is so burdened for these kids. We need to stand up and be advocates for these kids! Be their voice and show them there is more to life that what they have been given. If this is not something you have ever even thought about.... think about it! Pray for these kids. 

Here are some websites where you can see the children that need homes.

Monday, August 8, 2011

You may call me Mrs Hodges

Today is Michael and my 2nd anniversary! What an exciting day!
 I got to leave work early to get home and get ready for our BIG DATE NIGHT! 

We went to PF Changs for the first time. Its absolutely delish! We walked in and they asked if we were celebrating a birthday. 
"No, our anniversary." With big grins on our faces. 
The manager decided to give us free dessert because of the occasion (we think they do that a lot... but hey, we are not complaining... free dessert... YES PLEASE!)
 We decided to get an appetizer (which also became free... because the manager thought it took too long for our food to come out...Hey, Thanks!) Michael got Orange Chicken and I got Honey Chicken (Mine was better! I know this because Michael ate all of his and some of mine :) For dessert, Michael had a chocolate cake thingy and I had cheese cake. It was fantastic! We would LOVE to go again! For the food and the service.

Then we walked to the movies (what a beautiful night after the rain). We saw 'Crazy, Stupid, Love'. It was good. Definitely would recommend it to ya!

It was such a great night... not because we ate out, or saw a movie... but because we were able to spend time together. I LOVE my husband! Thanks, Michael, for the last 2 years of [learning] marriage... onward to the next 50! 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sarasota, Florida

2 days/23 hours of driving to get to what I consider 
'Heaven on Earth!'......THE BEACH!!! 
a 4 hour trip from Kansas City to St Louis... lunch...
 a 7 hour trip from St. Louis to Chattanooga 
 a 12 hour trip from Chattanooga to 
Sarasota Florida

The Beach is Beautiful!!! I couldnt help but think to myself "I can TOTALLY live here!" I LOVE this place!!!!
Hopefully I will have pictures to put up... I kind of forgot my camera charger so pictures from me are going to be a little limited. oops! 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

3 Miles

Ok, so this is going to sound like a little run ... but its not... I promise :)
Today is the 3 mile run. So follow my thinking process...If you think about it... real hard. (Beware... you are entering into the mind of Melissa Hodges.. its a little loopy at times.)
 If I run 2 of the 3 mile runs, thats 6 miles. And thats almost half of 13 miles, which is what I need to get to for the half marathon... So technically I almost there... Right? :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hold Him Close

A couple weeks ago at
the floor was open for people to share where and how Christ is moving through them. This resulted in us (the church) to pray for them. A few people shared their stories... tired, worn out, busy... you know, things that get to a lot of us. 
Then I heard a story about one ladies life. She and her husband were currently going through a divorce. My heart literally sank to the floor. (Obviously, she is hurting way more than I did in that moment) But my heart was so heavy for her. I began crying... for her and for myself. They are both Christians and have been married for over 15 years and now this is happening.  They have been married for a lot longer than Michael and my 2 year marriage (August 8th). All I could think about is "People change." That can be super scary or super exciting! 
Someone once told me that in a marriage you as a couple are never in one place together. You are either moving together or moving apart. There is NO being stagnant together. I know I was supposed to be there in that moment to hear those heart wrenching words from this broken and fragile woman. 
Now I know nether Michael nor I am perfect... by any means! But I did learn something. I learned that I need to Hold Michael Close. Love him and treat him well. Treat him like I LOVE him.... because I DO! 

Why am I sharing this? Because this made me rethink about the way I treat loved ones...especially my HUSBAND. My prayer is that more people (including myself) would love without restraints and to show Grace to those we love. 
Marriage is work... and if you're not working at it at some point... then most likely you are moving apart. I dont want that for my marriage. And I know Christ doesn't want that for any marriage either. 

So.... Michael, I LOVE YOU!

Monday, June 27, 2011

God give me strength!

So far training for the 1/2 marathon is going pretty well. My jog is still a little slow for now but I know the training will be beneficial in the end. Each time I run, I think "God give me strength! God give me strength!" Because I am realizing how CRAZY I am for this endeavor! lol :) So far I've run 1 1/2 miles. 12 1/2 more to go.... eek! 

"God give me strength!" 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

118 Days to go

Waddell & Reed Kansas City Marathon logo

Its official!!!! I have signed up for a Half Marathon!!!! The race is October 15, 2011 here in Kansas City. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Half Marathons [like I was] it is 13.2 miles. I know, I know, I might be crazy for doing this. I was given a little nudge from some friends. [Which I AM thankful for] Running a larger race has been a goal of mine for a few years now. Its a "Bucket List" item for sure. I'm a little nervous....But I've already paid for the race so... I HAVE  to run it now. No turning back!.... right?
You can check out the race HERE.

Day 1: Tiffany and I ran almost 2 miles... I think it went well... I was extremely tired... but felt good after the fact.

This time next month I will be able to run 4-5 miles. Holy Cow!!!! Pray for me!!! and the other girls running it too!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New [old] dresser!

So I love finding a sale. But then again... who doesn't? Anyways, Michael and I really needed a dresser because our clothes are LITERALLY stacked around our room on the floor. Its crazy. So we went out on a mission to find a new dresser.

Here is the BEAUTY! $5 Bucks!!!!!

It has Pretty features... minus the jeweled out handles. :)

So  I sanded it WE [Michael and I] sanded the dresser down and painted it a fresh coat of paint with NEW handles! Ready for it????

So I learned a lot about "projects"... they take a lot of work and time. I wasn't ready for the commitment... but I'm so HAPPY my wonderful husband helped out. 
Cant wait to get the whole room together!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

ONE Week In

Tomorrow is our "official" first full week of the Kansas City life. I cant say it enough... so far... I LOVE IT! Kansas City is such a great place to live. And I would have never thought I would like living in the city... I LOVE IT!!!! Its been amazing here so far. I love our house and the neighborhood... its great! 

A little run-down on the week.

Day 1: We drove to Kansas City in 5 [full] cars. 
Day 2: My cat goes missing.... a few hours later, Tiffany's dog goes missing. What?!? How does that happen... 2 animals in one day? What is going on??? 
Day 3: Tommi shows up downstairs in the CEILING. He is dirtier than EVER! Gross!!!! But he is getting used to everything. Then Michaels parents hit a deer on the way back to St. Louis. The car was totaled but everyone was safe! 
Day 4: I got a job with the Missouri Baptist Children's Home as the Office Manager. It was such a BLESSING. God provided a job for me. I trusted he would After I got this job, I called Holiday Inn to cancel my interview. They offered me a part time job! 2 jobs in one day! Thank you God. I never stopped trusting. I knew he would provide.
Day 5: A hippie gets Tiffany's number from the signs she put up to find Eddie [the dog] and calls her. HE FOUND EDDIE!!!! Eddie came home!!!!
Day 6: I finished my first week of work.  And Im so excited because Im learning so much about Foster Care and Adoption. Michael and I both want to adopt some day so this is perfect!

I am also learning the roads and highways... which is a little rough at times... but my tom tom [gps] has saved the day!!!!!

Well, we miss everyone, but we ABSOLUTELY LOVE it here! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Thank YOU

Our "Moving Party" last night was a blast! Thank you Jill and Ryan [Michael's Parents] for hosting it. Also, Thanks everyone who came over and spent time with us. Michael and I are so thankful for the wonderful friends and family we have in our lives. You all mean so much to us. More than you know.

This time here in St. Louis is flying by! I feel like it was yesterday when Michael and I decided we were moving. Since its getting so close....

[5 days] to be exact

...Im begining to get little butterflies in my tummy. Im nervouse yet excited... Scared yet ready... Uncertain yet sure. Its really happening. A new chapter in our lives. Please be in prayer for Michael and I as we move on Saturday. Also please be in prayer for our jobs. We need them... [just a little]. We KNOW God will provide jobs for us... In fact we expect it because we trust God will provide for what we need ... but for now we must wait and see. But prayer is always a good thing!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I want to take this time to remember a loved one.

Ashlin Munday

Ashlin is my cousin.... a year in between Michelle and I. She was tragically taken from our family 2 years ago. I will never forget that day... EVER! I had to explain to my two sisters what happened (one being pregnant at the time). It was the worst news I've ever shared with someone.
Ashlin was beautiful from the inside - out. Sometimes ... most times... she was doing something unexpected. She was her own person. I loved that about her. In fact, some teachers in high school were scared to have me in their class after they had Ashlin in it. :) She was GREAT!
There are times when I have deep sorrow for her loss. And then there are times when I feel like Im not allowed to be sad. Almost as if I dont deserve to grieve her loss. But the truth is.. I DO miss her.
I miss the way she put foundation on as lipstick. (I thought it was cool then.. not so sure now) I miss the times her and Michelle would give me advice or stay up all night giggling. I miss her funny sense of humor and honesty. I miss her hair changing every time I saw her. I miss her ability to mother her 2 BEAUTIFUL children.

Ashlin... I miss you! Im sorry I wasnt able to spend more time with you.
You were and are soo genuinely loved by so many!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Please Pray

I just arrived at work and one of my fellow co-worders asked me to do her a favor.
Of course I will do that! For what you may ask? It's for her friend. Im sharing this with you so you can pray for her too! Her friend is like a sister to her. They grew up together; meaning she is in her young 30's. She is having stomach problems and is loosing blood quickly. She is at Barnes Jewish hospital. According to my co-worker, her friends' life might be coming to an end. 
Please pray for this girl and her family. Also for the doctors and they try to heal her. Pray that Gods hand would be in this. 

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." James 5:16

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Youth Sunday

Ok... I get to brag on my Husband today! 

1. Because I can! 
2. Because he did an AWESOME job today preaching! 

His sermon topic was called "live or Live." And it was about living out our Christianity through our everyday lives... not just with the people at church or those who call themselves Christians. We need to be showing people Christ by our words and actions. He was so on target! And he told great stories as well!! I am just so proud of him!!!! And blessed and honored to call him my husband. I am also so thankful God uses him the way He does. 
Yea for Michael!!! :)

After Church we had a lunch with the church and that was fabulous!  They Gave us Beautiful Flowers too!!
 Thanks everyone! 

And then we took the youth BOWLING!!!! 

Here are some pictures to prove it.

 Of Course we had to get some gangster photos. Not everyone was able to be as gangster as Michael and I!!! 


Saturday, May 14, 2011

The BIG move!!!

Well, the days are getting closer and closer. Soon we will be in Kanas City, MO!!!
[14 days to be exact
Here is the website for Kansas City... check out where we will be! In fact plan a trip and visit us!

Its funny, when we tell people about our move we get 1 of 2 responses from people.
                                                1. 'Oh! We have family in Kansas City!'
                                                2. 'Kansas City!?!? Why?!?'

Michael and I are so EXCITED!! We I have started packing books, decorations, clothes, towels, sheets, movies and more... Im a little A.D.D though. I cant stay on one box at a time.. I have 4 boxes going at once. Its funny? And hectic!! Also, packing is kind of hard to do when you still need stuff before the BIG move. So we shall see... hopefully everything will be done in a timely manner.

I wanted to take the time to thank our families and friends for being so supportive through all this. This adventure is just what both Michael and I need and want. And WE are serious!!! Come and visit us!!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Oh Yea.....yum yum!

I TOTALLY want to try and make these! They look so good!!!!!! I'll let ya know how they turn out!

Chewy Homemade Granola Bars

4 1/2 c rolled oats
1c flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract (I used artificial)
5/6 c margarine or butter (essentially just a bit shy of a whole cup)
1/3 c brown sugar
3/4 c honey
2 c mini chocolate chips (I used 1 c of reg. chocolate chips)

Heat oven to 325 degrees.
Mix margarine with the sugar.
Add in the baking soda, honey, vanilla extract together.
Add in the flour, oats and stir to coat evenly.
Add chocolate chips.
Press mixture into a greased 9x13 pan and bake for 18-22 minutes or until golden ... remove and cut into bars but wait until they are completely cooled before removing them from the pan.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Maschmidt Family Fun

This past weekend the Maschmidt Family got pictures taken.
Oh yea we had ....

GrandParents + Parents + GrandKids + Great GrandKids 

It was CHAOTIC!!!! And why wouldn't it? With that many people... you can't expect anything less! It took a long time to make this ginormous family! So why not celebrate with some pictures! I got some really great shots and memories to cherish for a lifetime. I think Grandma + Grandpa will be so happy to see these photos. Enjoy!

Munday Family:
Top: Landon + Eden
Bottom: Paulette + Taylor

Munday Family:
Eden + Paulette

Charney Family:
Jason + Joyce + Laura
Busken Family
Top: Chelsey + Amber
Bottom: Kyle + Steve + Glenda + Tyler

Maschmidt Family
Angelina + Jane

GrandParents + GrandKids + Great GrandKids
The GrandKids
GrandParents + GrandKids

GrandParents + Parents + GrandKids + Great GrandKids